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THE BOOKS                       Free postage for orders over  £15


'If I can encourage more children to find fun in reading and if just one child overcomes their barriers to reading through Monkey, then I truly will have Jibber, Jabber, Joobed.'

The Monkey's Fart



Sometimes irreverent, often funny. The Monkey's Fart is a serious attempt to interest children in poetry and reading. If you love reading, then you'll love this book. If you don't like reading, are a reluctant reader or have dyslexia, then this book is still for you.


Meet Mr Grump, Lembit the Lion, The Big Galoopha, Jibbering Jim, Poly Polynesia and a host of other crazy characters. Also features the short story, Be Careful What You Wolf For. The Monkey's Fart is a must for anyone who loves wacky poems and stories. There is even a chapter at the end to help you create your own wacky or nonsense poems. The Monkey's Fart is perfect for all children, parents and grandparents looking for an unusual read. Ideal for schoolteachers seeking to interest children in reading  and       whet their appetite for poetry.

Pointed Witch Hat
Chris Clotbo & the Conquest of the Americas



Follow the crew of the Sinka Maria, as they descend into comic madness, finding themselves in increasingly bizarre situations which challenges their beliefs, heroism, and their stomachs. If you are a fan of craziness then this is a book for you.    


Human sacrifice, sea monsters, starvation, cruelty and cannibals await the crew of the Sinka Maria, as the fearless explorer, Chris Clotbo sets sail for the Americas, in search of fame, fortune and the fabled gold of El Dorado. Will Clotbo succeed or will he be outsmarted by the Utilxles; the native population, and fall victim to Botella - evil servant of the Spanish Inquisition.


Chris Clotbo and the Conquest of the Americas will appeal to children who enjoy adventurous and wacky tales, daft characters and plots, with gory bits and a little bit of history thrown in for good measure.

Dyslexia Friendly Age 9+


This is a book written primarily for children aged 9 upwards. But adults who are young at heart will enjoy the book too, as the humour appeals through the ages.


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Tales of Blatherington Hall



'Lady Petunia Hooter shot into the room like a rocket on boosters.' With the arrival of the Hooters, the peaceful co-existence of the inhabitants of Blatherington Hall comes to an end. Faced with the complete annihilation of their way of life or should that be death? The residents of the Hall are given no choice – the Hooters will have to go. And thus, the battle for Blatherington Hall begins…


About This Book

As a kid I used to watch Oliver Postgate’s Bagpuss on TV. I was much taken by the character of Professor Yaffle, the woodpecker bookend who would come to life when nobody was around. 

After I had written Blatherington Hall I realized that the character of Professor Blatherwick was my subconscious tribute to the Professor and although there isn’t a character which resembles Bagpuss, I had to have a cat in the story and thus was born the feisty no-nonsense Miss Kitty. 

Many years later, at a formal gathering I was introduced to a titled lady. This towering and bejewelled creature promptly stuck her nose up in the air like the Eiffel Tower and in a shrill, screeching voice, looked down on me like a hawk spying a mouse and boomed. ‘And you are?’ And thus, Lady Petunia Hooter was born.


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Space Nutz



The emperor paused. He looked at the massed ranks of the Empire, he studied their eager, stupid faces and sighed. He was tired; tired of being emperor and weary of having to keep up the pretence of being the essence of supreme evil, ruling over a rag-tag empire run by, well, cretins would not be putting too fine a point of it.


‘Explain to me this, Octopod, I have the greatest mind in the Universe and still I cannot prevent what is happening. I mean, how an emperor can be an emperor, if he is unable to maim, slaughter and annihilate. Mm? Answer me that?’

Spirit Wolf



The 'Human Beings' are in trouble. Faced with the threat of losing their natural food resources, the last remaining wolf pack in the Tundra is struggling to survive.


Starving and attacked by hunters, are the wolves doomed to extinction or is their only hope an ancient legend which claims a supernatural Spirit Wolf will come to their salvation.

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